Fixed & Optimal Time: Secret of A Perfect Schedule

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In a world of fierce competition, every customer is important, and their loyalty directly depends on the convenience of the services provided.

Online booking is not only a convenient tool for customers, but also a powerful way to optimize your time and increase profits.

In this article, we will discuss two features that make online booking even more useful — fixed & optimal time.

Fixed Time

When customers book services, it's important that their time does not overlap with other bookings and has no empty gaps.

Fixed time allows you to set the start time for bookings by days of the week or on specific dates when customers can schedule appointments. This reduces the likelihood of unnecessary gaps and makes your workday more predictable.

As a result, you will be able to use your working hours more efficiently, minimize downtime, and increase loading.

Important! The switch "Suggest different time slots when fixed time if filled" determines whether your customers will be able to book beyond the fixed intervals.

For example, if you want your customers to book primarily in the morning, set the fixed time until 2:00 PM. If the option is enabled, once the morning schedule is filled, customers will be able to choose available hours after 2:00 PM.

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Optimal Time

Optimal Time is a feature that automatically offers the most suitable time booking slots to customers, taking into consideration the most popular services and their durations.

This is especially useful if you want to avoid situations with customers choosing inconvenient time slots, leaving gaps between appointments.

As a result, your schedule becomes more tight and organized.

This feature is automatically enabled when you activate online booking.

The fixed & optimal time features in online booking are simple, effective tools for improving your business process. They will help you to avoid unnecessary intervals in the schedule and ensure a more rational use of working hours.

Introduce these features and experience their benefits in practice.

For any questions, you can contact our Customer Support (via the "Chats" section).

Also read:

Optimal Time for Booking
Fixed Time for Booking

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