How to Start Accounting Goods?

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Almost no service is provided without the use of consumables. And also often a customer purchases care products after a procedure, which also needs to be considered.

Keeping records of goods is one of the important economic components of all internal processes. It's convenient to take into account the consumption of materials immediately upon the fact of the service rendered, so as not to miss anything.

To do this, the DIKIDI system has the Goods functionality, which records all movements and balances of products intended both for sale and for the provision of services.

1. To start working with Products, accounting for them in a warehouse, you must first add their names. This must be done in the section Goods - List of products by clicking the Add product button.

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When adding a product, the main thing to consider is its purpose. There can be two goals:

— for the sale of products at retail (for example, at reception);
— write-off as material after providing services.

Further work with it depends on the correct choice of the product's purpose.

Let's analyze both options:

A. The product is used for direct sale.
Everything is simple here. Specify a Name, Product identification number (if any), Category (you need to create it first), and check the Selling box. Next, choose the unit of measurement and the price to sell.

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B. The product is used as a material when providing a service

In this case, select Expense as a purpose. For this purpose, you must additionally specify the unit of measurement for storage and in which units a write-off will be made.

For example: Hair dye is stored in a warehouse in tubes, that is, in pieces. When providing a service, it is written off in grams. In this case, it is important to specify the correspondence of the measurement units. For example, in 1 tube of 60 grams of paint. So, we specify it in the product card when creating it.

The price is based on your work structure. If a specialist receives a salary minus materials at cost, then we indicate here the purchase price. If a specialist receives a salary minus materials, taking into account an extra charge, then indicate the extra cost here.

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Product categories are very simple to create. It is enough to specify a Name so that you can easily navigate through the product list.

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In the end, you create a list of products with purposes you have defined and in the desired units of measurement.

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