How to Tell about Online Booking Right?

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It's not enough to activate Online booking,you need TELL your clients about the ability to make appointments with DIKIDI Online. You can make this with the help of advertising posts, send messages, tell about it, place ads in your salon etc.   

What arguments can help a customer to download mobile app and make an appointment online? 

1. Opportunity to monitor Appointments (to see, reschedule, cancel) - this opportunity helps clients don't forget about upcoming visits, because the client always can see the date and time of visit.

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 2. Opportunity to talk with you in chat. In mobile app every client can ask you something.

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3. Opportunity to see point's balance and personal discount.  All information about bonuses and personal discounts placed in profile.

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4. Always see actual prices, services and deals. - Information about prices, available services and new deals updates automatically, you need not notificate clients about changes.

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