Integration with amoCRM

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What can you do using this integration?

The integration of DIKIDI with amoCRM enables the connection of all your projects in DIKIDI with the CRM system to build a sales system, streamline work, and optimize marketing.

As a result, all created appointments are transferred to amoCRM's pipelines as deals. Contact synchronization between DIKIDI and amoCRM also takes place.

In the future, you can work with these contacts in amoCRM, creating sales and marketing pipelines.

Another additional feature of the integration is the ability to create an appointment in DIKIDI directly from the amoCRM service using an appointment creation widget (currently under development).

How to connect on your phone and in the web version?

    1. Go to "Settings."
    2. Navigate to the "Integrations" section.
    3. Find the "amoCRM" integration.
    4. Click the "Connect" button.
    5. Enter the integration card and click "Connect."
    6. A plan selection window opens (you can choose a 14-day trial period). Select a plan, make the payment. Click the "Connect" button.
    7. The amoCRM authorization window opens; enter your amoCRM account credentials. Choose your amoCRM account. Click the "Allow" button.
    8. After that, a window for selecting projects to synchronize with amoCRM opens (the number of connected projects is limited by the paid plan). Click the "Save" button.
    9. Done! The integration is connected!

    amoCRM Integration Settings

    After connecting, you can go to amoCRM for further integration configuration. We have already pre-configured your integration for optimal performance, so we recommend not changing the settings. But if you ever need to adjust the settings for individual project characteristics, here are explanations for you:

    The settings section is divided into three main sections.

    The first section is "Pipeline Settings." 

    Here, the connection between projects and amoCRM pipelines is configured. In addition to this, within each project-pipeline "pair," you can separately configure the connection between DIKIDI appointment statuses and amoCRM stages.

    What does this mean?

    For example, for convenience, upon integration, we've already created new pipelines in your account—one pipeline per connected project. In each pipeline, we've added stages that correspond to DIKIDI appointment statuses.

    When the status of an appointment in DIKIDI changes, the deal moves to the corresponding stage in the amoCRM pipeline.

    The second section is "Deal Card" and "Contact Card." 

    Each deal and contact card has a set of data fields. In this section the mapping of data sent from DIKIDI to the appropriate field in amoCRM occurs. We recommend not changing this setting, as it is primarily technical.

    The third section - switches

    1. The first setting allows you to not create a deal in amoCRM when a new appointment appears in DIKIDI. However, contacts are still transferred from DIKIDI to AMO.
    2. Group appointments have certain peculiarities when synchronizing DIKIDI and AMO. Such functionality does not exist in amoCRM. Therefore, when creating a group appointment in DIKIDI, the deal in AMO is not the group appointment itself, but each individual contact added to that appointment. For example, if you have a group appointment with 10 slots and only 7 contacts added to it, then 7 separate and independent deals will be created in AMO.

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