Promotion is Your Magnet for Customers

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Competition in the service industry remains high today. It's essential not only to retain loyal clients but also to attract new ones😉

One of effective ways to attract customers is offering discounts on services.

The DIKIDI app will help you easily launch an online promotion and tell about it 😍

What Are the Advantages of Promotions?

Attracting new clients

An attractive price can be the decisive factor that makes customers choose your service. For example, offering 10% off the first visit can motivate new customers to make an appointment with you. 

Retaining existing customers

Loyal clients value care and attention. Giving them some special discounts will help strengthen loyalty and prevent them from turning to competitors. For example, "Book a Manicure & Get a Discount For a Friend" or "Giving a Discount On a New Service."

Increasing the average check

Promotions can encourage customers to spend more. Offer them a combination of services at a reduced price or a discount on additional services when booking a main package. For instance, a discount on a set of services or a small complimentary procedure.

What DIKIDI users say about the Promotions functions:

"My favourite feature that helped us in the early stages is the Promotion. Thanks to it, we used to attract 10 additional customers per week. For our young studio, these are significant numbers, and only thanks to the app I have as a big customers base as my colleagues have"

– Valery, co-founder of the beauty studio "Somnium"

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How to Run Promotions Properly?

⭐ Plan your promotions ahead

Well-thought-out promotions require time for preparation. Plan your offers in advance, taking into account seasonal fluctuations and holidays. For example, New Year discounts or summer skincare promotions.

Draw attention 

Use all available channels for promoting your offers: social media, mass messaging, etc. The more people know about your offer, the greater the chance to attract new customers.

Evaluate the results

After running a promotion, be sure to analyze its results. How many new customers have you attracted, and how much has your revenue increased?

Consider, how to ensure new customers to return. To avoid miscommunication, explain to the customers why you are offering a discount and justify the value of your service.

This will help you understand the effectiveness of the promotion and adjust it in the future.

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How to Launch Promotions?

1. Go to Control - Promotion - Deals in the DIKIDI app or Promotion - Deals in the web version.

2. Fill in the required fields:

  • Promotion name
  • Description (add the promotion terms here)
  • Duration of promotion
  • Discount amount
  • Services covered by the promotion
  • Add an image

Your promotion is ready to be posted in the DIKIDI Online catalog!

Read also:

👉How to Create a Deal

Where Are Deals Posted?

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