How to Set Up a Break after Appointment

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A break after appointment is needed when after customer's visit time is required to put a workplace in order and a specialist to rest.

How it works:
You can enable a break when adding a service, or in the service settings. Then specify a break duration. So, it will be added to the appointment duration. In this case, a customer will see only the true duration of a procedure itself.

How to set up

In the web version:

You can set up a break when adding a service in the "Services" section.

Image 3977

Or while editing an already created service. Check the "Break after appointment" checkbox and set its duration.

Image 3978

In the DIKIDI Business mobile app:

First, go to - "More - the "Services" section.

Image 3979

When adding a service by clicking on the "+" button or when editing an already created service by clicking on its name, a settings window will appear.

There you will see the "Break after appointment" setting, where you can activate it.

Image 3980

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